Highly customizable car HUD script is designed to give players an immersive in-game experience when driving cars on your server. The HUD (heads-up display) overlay displays important information related to the vehicle.
Settings Menu
These options are fully customizable through the settings menu:
Display each element
Colors of gauges ( from low to high )
Size of gauges
Size of the street name
Size of dashboard indicators
Size of the compass
Position of elements ( drag to move )
Set an alert when the engine health or fuel is low ( you choose the alert value )
Refresh rate
Also included: -
An optional, customizable seatbelt system that can ragdoll a player out of their vehicle if they crash without a seatbelt. When enabled, the seatbelt dashboard icon will light up
An optional cruise control system. When enabled, the cruise control dashboard icon will light up
Interactive CarHUD (Opensource) — €20