- Design available in Light and Dark.
- Fully optimized. [Including SQL queries]
- Available to change the code to work for your framework. [Except the job features, only for ESX]
- Can change job salaries, deposit/withdraw from job account.
- Statements for received/withdrawn money.
- Fully working ATM's [Can create cards/job cards] [Possible to give your friend a card and he can withdraw from your bank account]
- /wallet - Your personal wallet [See your cards on your wallet, give cash or card to other player]
- /cash - See your own cash
- Fully protected banking against executors.
- Many colors available in config + You can fully edit HTML/CSS/JS side.
- Discord Webhooks
- And many, many more features.
Some of the server-side is obfuscated and product is license-locked. (Main edit-able functions to change it to your own framework are open)
Frozen Banking — €25